Well, winter is here. It’s cold, wet, and dark in the mornings, and time to think about what you are going to do with your boat over the cooler weather. If this is your first winter thinking about storing your boat, you might not know what you need to do to get it ready for storage. We can help.
Dry storing your boat with Titan Storage is easy when you know how. Our quick guide will help get your boat ready for storage this winter.
Why consider dry boat storage this winter?
Dry storage for boats is undoubtedly one of the fastest growing and most efficient ways of storing boats and provides significant advantages to owners of powered boats. Dry storage has grown in popularity over the last 50 years as, unlike wet berths, boats stored in dry storage require less maintenance and stay in better condition over longer periods.
While many people decide to store their boats outside over winter, if you want to keep your vessel safe and protected, dry boat storage in Perth is the best option.
Keeping it at home might be a cheaper option, but a rented boat storage facility offers climate control and extra protection against theft. If you choose a rented storage space, check out the access requirements. Some facilities stack boats, meaning you might not have instant access, should you need it.

Where do I find dry boat storage in Perth?
While a quick and easy option is to Google “boat storage near me,” you want to know that the company you choose is reliable, respected, and secure. Here at Titan Storage, our new cheap boat storage facility offers excellent security and a team who are passionate about keeping your boat safe.
Our conveniently located Bibra Lake facility features the most advanced security features available to ensure your belongings are protected and safe at all times.
Why choose Titan Storage for storing your boat in Perth?
We specialise in premium, competitively priced storage bay rentals in a well-maintained, new facility. Renting from Titan Storage means peace of mind and easy access to a range of storage bays in a convenient location.
Contact us today for more information about storing your boat this winter.